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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success.


Social Circle Primary School

PBIS Acknowledgement Systems  2022-2023

Class Dojo, Class Goal and Monthly Incentives: Students are acknowledged for exhibiting the behaviors that we expect by receiving points in the online platform Class Dojo or by working towards their classroom goals. Teachers have flexibility in how they are utilizing the system.  Teachers are encouraged to acknowledge students by assigning a point for STAR behavior characteristics (for Safety, Taking responsibility, having a positive Attitude, and showing Respect) if they have met the classroom and school-wide expectations.  At the end of each month each student that has met the monthly goal of 80% positive points (or other classroom management system) will receive an invitation to the STAR party.  STAR party examples are: monthly themed games (pirates, Monster Mash, Grinch Games, Turkeypalooza, Winter Wonderland, sports, friendship, kindness, Splashing STARs - water day), extra recess, ice cream party, etc.  For the month of August we had a “Glowing Start for our STARs” themed celebration, including black lights and glow in the dark games in our gymnasium, and enjoyed a special snack.  For September, students attended a Pirate Party. In October, we created a Monster Mash sensory path with a classroom craft and games.  In November, our students visited the Turkey Trail sensory path along with a classroom celebration.  December brought a Grinch Day themed sensory path and classroom party. January fun included a class hunt and snowball fight.  In February, we celebrated our STARs with a Kindness Rocks party (Kindness rock garden was created in the Secret Garden area).

MVPs: Students will be nominated monthly by their homeroom teacher or another teacher in the building as an MVP (student of the month). They will be recognized by their classmates, on announcements, and at a monthly MVP party. Teachers are encouraged to select a student based on the monthly CASEL core competency skill focused on during morning meetings.

Kind STAR: This year we’ve added a monthly award for students who exhibit kindness toward their peers, teachers, and in the community. This student is also recognized in their classrooms, on class dojo, on the announcements, and is invited to attend an ice cream social with our principal and assistant principal in the Secret Garden.

Student of the Month Award: All 2nd grade MVP names will go into a drawing for the Student of the Month Award. The Student of the Month Award winner will be recognized at the monthly board meeting.

 Staff Celebrations: Our staff are celebrated monthly with incentives using funds from local businesses.

Staff STARs: Each month, one staff member will be chosen as our Staff STAR.  This staff member will be selected for exhibiting the characteristics listed on our STAR staff member chart and for exemplifying the SEL core competencies.  Teachers will be recognized with a board display, digital message, and a small token of appreciation.




S.T.A.R. Song

PBIS Matrix for Social Circle Primary School



PBIS Matrix





PBIS Flow Chart for Social Circle Primary School



Flow Chart





S.T.A.R. Behavior in our School













Examples of Classroom Management Systems


Class Dojo