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School Clinic


Mrs. Casper



Hello Friends! My name is Kelly Casper, and I serve as the Social Circle Primary School clinic aide. As the new year begins, I think it is necessary to give you a few reminders regarding the school clinic:


Current Emergency Phone Number

  • Keep all phone numbers and information current in case of an emergency.


Request for Extra Clothing

  • Allow your child to keep a clean set of clothing in his/her backpack.
  • Examine backpack periodically to ensure appropriate clothing for the season.


Medication at School

  • If a student requires medication administration during school hours, parents are required to bring the medication to the clinic and complete/sign a form.
  • Medications must be in the original labeled container.
  • The doctor’s specific directions on the container must be followed.
  • If medication or dose changes, please inform the school clinic aide and complete a new form.
  • Unused medication will be disposed of unless picked up at the end of the school year.


Illness and Attendance

While our school strives for perfect attendance, we know there are times when students are ill and need to stay home. To minimize the spread of illness to other students and the school faculty, please remember your child must stay at home from school for the following reasons:

  • Running a fever of 100 degrees or higher
  • Has not been fever-free for more than 24 hours
  • Diarrhea
  • Uncontrollable, persistent cough
  • Experiencing flu-like symptoms
  • Diagnosis of conjunctivitis (pink eye), lice, or scabies
  • Thanks for adhering to our school clinic procedures and regulations.


Click here to access Health Forms for SCCS.
